Ultrasound Guided Procedures

Ultrasound scanning allows qualified clinicians to reliably visualise soft tissues of the body and enables spaces to be identified within joints for direct access to the joint for joint injections.
An ultrasound guided injection usually takes between 20- 30 minutes and can be undertaken within a clinic room setting. A fine needle is introduced into the region, which is causing pain, whilst being visualised inside the body.

Dr Glen Rae has postgraduate qualifications to carry out ultrasound guided injections for musculoskeletal problems and uses ultrasound to improve the outcome of injection treatments on a daily basis for many years.

Ultrasound Guided Procedures available at Sports Medicine NE

Steroid Injections

Ultrasound injections are an alternative to Steroid injections commonly carried out by General Practitioners or other medical specialists, using anatomical landmarks to correctly position the needle. If anatomical guided injections give insufficient benefit, then ultrasound guided injections are able to improve the response further.

Hydrodistension injections

Hydrodistension for frozen shoulder is relatively underused within the UK but a highly successful treatment to improve a person’s mobility and decrease their pain.

Autologous Blood Injections

Tendon problems can be a difficult problem to treat in athletes and non-athletes alike. Conditions such as Patellar (knee) or Achilles tendinopathy along with “Tennis” and “Golfers elbow” can benefit from autologous blood injections which stimulate healing of the damaged tendon. A blood sample is taken form the patient’s arm and then injected along with local anaesthetic into the damaged tendon.

Hyaluronic Acid injections

Hyaluronic acid is an alternative treatment to steroid injections for osteoarthritis of joints and also more recently tendon disease. Such injections can be undertaken under ultrasound guidance to confirm the correct region is injected.

Dry Needling

Dry needling under ultrasound guidance to diseased tendons e.g. Achilles tendinopathy and tendons abnormal insertion into bone e.g. tennis elbow to be treated triggering the healing of such tendon problems.

Experts in Ultrasound Guided Procedures

Book a Consultation or Contact Sports Medicine NE to Find Out More

Call: Sunderland 0191 418 8636