
Most sporting and non-sporting musculoskeletal injuries involve a degree of pain. It is understood that reducing pain allows other treatments to be more successful. Reducing pain enables maximum benefit from rehab and exercises to be gained. Analgesia should be prescribed which is specific for the type of injury or condition present. Analgesia varies from simple analgesia to Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory medication and neuropathic analgesia for nerve pain for such conditions as sciatica. Private prescriptions are available at Sports Medicine NE where appropriate.

Specific Exercise Programs

Specific exercise program will be advised by Sports Medicine NE when deemed an appropriate and necessary part of a patient’s specific treatment plan. Evidence based exercise programs such as eccentric exercise regimens for tendon problems will be demonstrated and implemented as part of a patient specific management plan.

Steroid Injections

Steroid injections are used for a wide range of joint, tendon and bursa problems. Corticosteroid is a very useful ant inflammatory medication which provides pain relief with minimal discomfort from the procedure. Relieving pain and inflammation allows exercises and strengthening to be undertaken more successfully resulting in steroid injections

Hyaluronic Acid (Ostenil) Injections

Sodium hyaluronate (Ostenil) in synovial fluid exists in synovial fluid of joints and is continuously broken down and replaced. Normally, there is an exact balance between the breakdown of old sodium hyaluronate and the production of new sodium hyaluronate. In Osteoarthritis however, this balance is disturbed and breakdown happens faster than production. As a result, hyaluronic acid in the synovial fluid becomes diluted and stops working properly. Ostenil injected into the space in a joint works by restoring the normal balance between the breakdown and production of sodium hyaluronate. The Ostenil aims to decrease pain and stiffness and improve the other symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Dry Needling

Dry needling for tendon problems such as tennis elbow and achilles tendinopathy, involves repeatedly introducing a fine needle in to an abnormal tendon under local anaesthetic. Tendinopathy refers to a failure of the normal healing process in a tendon resulting in areas of abnormal structure which generates pain. The dry needling procedure has 2 effects; it creates further mild trauma to the abnormal area to stimulate healing and secondly bleeding caused releases growth factors in and around the tendon to promote healing further


Hydrodistension is an injection procedure used to treat Frozen Shoulder. The injection consists of steroid and local anaesthetic injection along with a larger volume of sterile saline to be injected under ultrasound guidance distend the “stuck down” capsule of the shoulder joint. The inflamed and stuck down capsule causes excessive pain in the shoulder and upper arm along with restricted movement. Distending the joint enable much improved shoulder movement and the steroid injection reduces pain associated with the condition..

Autologous Blood Injections

A patients own blood can be injected into a diseased tendon to stimulate a healing effect within the tendon. Such conditions as “tennis elbow”, “golfers elbow”, achilles or patellar tendon problems of the knee are due to a degenerative (wear and tear) problem of the tendon rather than an inflammatory problem as used to be considered and still may be by some who still refer to the condition as tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon). One theory as to why this treatment works is that growth factor, contained within the blood, triggers healing of the diseased tendon.

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